J has began to sit with a nice posture since the start of Mar and I am pleased that he has also started to recognise G and me. When we gestured to carry him, he will stretch his hands out in return and smile at us. Makes my heart melt very time (clique but true!).
He's also threw his first tantrum while I tried to feed him carrots (which he had been eating) recently. He plainly refused to open his mouth and cried even when I gave him time-out. After racking my brains, I decided to enlist G's help to pretend to eat something and J was coaxed into eating his food - all of it. J is quite a social eater and G has suggested getting a high chair for him though I am not too sure if its going to be a good buy or a white elephant!
Over the last week, J has also started to crawl backwards! I think he doesn't enjoy crawling at all and would much rather stand and walk as he's always happy to bounce in the evenflo saucer.
Another bit of information about J is that his fondness for Itsy Bitsy Spider has not diminished and he would fuss for the youtube video to be played when I do something else on my iphone. My sis has a similar red phonecase and he "bugged" her for it today (as interpreted by my mum). Sis searched for the song but J recognised it to be a fake version. His eyes finally lit up when the Baby Einstein version was played. OMG!
I have uploaded a few of my favourite shots, including our award ceremony for a Parent-Child Look Alike Contest last weekend! Haha! ;D
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