Sunday, August 7, 2011

Top 5 things about J

Coming in at number 5,

J is an Energy Zapper!

He is always game to play... with his toys or just crawling or cruising along... sometimes he hides at the coffee table or sofa and waits for one of us to call out to him and smile the widest smile :) He never runs out of energy and we can play forever the 'where is???' game while he points to the clock, fridge, bear or whatever object in question... I suppose this is the part of where parenting helps trains/builds patience (which I lack sorely).

At number 4,

J loves food! (no surprise here given his size)

His radar is perpetually on and he never fails to approach us whenever he sees/senses food in our hands! On the plus side, he readily gets into the highchair when prompted with 'mum-mum' and typically does not take too long to finish a meal. Still, I shall be monitoring his weight so he does not stay as a fatty boy boy for too long...

At number 3,

J loves people! (in personality profiles, he should score highly on Extraversion)

He is never shy around people and he is happy to meet people. There was a bout of separation anxiety (around 11 months) but I think he is very comfortable with people in general, especially other children. Sometimes he can be overly friendly and may accidentally scratch/pinch them. Oops.

At number 2,

J has a mind of his own (or is stubborn!)

He wants to get his way. For this to happen, he will 'tell' (i.e. point/ grunt/ wail etc) you what to do. This applies for a particular book he wants to read (or destroy), where he wants to go (usually out!), what he wants help with (e.g. wear does and then takes them off and then wears them... some game *groan* etc)...

And finally at number 1,

J is lovable! (he is my son afterall :D)

He's always ready to give a hug and can be coaxed to plant a kiss (wet ones and mouth to mouth too)! Need I say more???!

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