Monday, April 30, 2012

Prince Charming X

Here's some photos of X in the first 3 weeks :)

Having a blissful nap

Boy am I sleepy!

Like Gor Gor, I have a superman shot in this outfit too!

Isn't my hair stylo mylo?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Conversations with J (3)

Popo: 你拿 Mummy 的 bag 去哪里?
J: 去中国
Popo: 为什么?
J: 找阿公!

Friday, April 20, 2012

J's first sentence is...

Mummy, rabbit 给我!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Conversations with J (2)

J is rather talkative and he loves to imitate what others are saying... he is also able to articulate his name, G and my full names by now. He's also fond of listening to kids' songs and he even knows their titles and order by heart!

Some of the conversations that took place recently:

Me: 小星星 从那里来?
J: 这边来!

Me: 世上只有...
J: 妈妈好!!!

Me: Shall we brush your teeth?
J: DON'T WANT!!!!!! or NO NEED!!
Me: Then you want to see the doctor?
J: (whimpers) Don't want...

J: Papa, sit down (points to a spot specifically)/ stand + kick ball
G: Don't want
J: whimpers....
Me: say "Papa, please"
J: (quickly) Papa please

Upon hearing his little brother crying, J dashes off to his cot to check out the situation. Then he runs out to tell the confinement nanny "Auntie, 弟弟哭哭!"

Friday, April 13, 2012

Introducing Didi... who shall be named soon :D

Bringing us much joy since 9 Apr...
J is also excited at finally meeting his lil brother!
My recovery since op this time round is much faster...
I am so sleepy after feeding!
J is trying to touch his didi!
Preparing to go home...
Home Sweet Home!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Just before Didi's arrival...

1) date with G at Sandy Lam's concert (free front row seat tickets!) even though I don't understand the canto songs and G wasn't too sure who she is!

2) outing to Marina Barrage and MBLM with J

Friday, April 6, 2012

Counting down to delivery...

Just 3 more days till I pop! Woohoo!! I can't wait for didi to arrive though I am not looking forward to sleepless nights and breastfeeding... But then again, I am already suffering from lack of sleep due to the baby pressing on my bladder...

In any case, the latest scan predicts didi's weight around 3.7-3.8 kg! He's another BIG baby like J though J did arrive much closer to full term. I hope I am not too grossed out by the C-section process since I shall be conscious this time round... Wish me luck!