Monday, June 18, 2012

Unconditional love

Unconditional love is...

  • cleaning shitload off bottoms and putting on clean diapers (even in wee hours when my eyes are bleary)... and then X poops again!
  • pacifying crying toddler, in the middle of the night (why??!) when he calls for mummy
  • playing the same games (kids love boring stuff) over and over again until I am ready to tear my hair out
  • singing the same songs and doing silly actions for J to laugh/giggle and to say 'one more time'.  This golden phrase means he really loves the song.
  • holding off your own needs to pee/poo/shower/eat etc so that the kids can pee/poo/shower etc FIRST
  • strolling/pushing J in his stroller to look for pussy cats in the morning/afternoon/evening and sometimes in the middle of the night (G is the one who spoils market this way)
  • to say NO when kids are misbehaving (I have no problem with this) 
  • also about forcing down meds into J despite his protests/screams/cries  :(
  • really just about being there for the kids (simple to say but not easy to do)


  1. Missing out on watching the Avengers movie to take care of them.

    1. I can't believe that of all people, YOU missed Avengers. It was super cool!!! But of cos, your boy comes first!

      Are you back to work already?

  2. I'm on vacation and graduate next year. It's catch-up time with the little one now for the months I missed spending with him.
