Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I had wanted to go on a holiday during this maternity leave but nursing prevented me from doing so!  In the end, we had a staycation to celebrate J and my birthday :)

It was tiring for us but extremely fun for J.  He was really happy throughout the trip and he didn't need any of his toys that I packed! J even entertained himself and us by singing lots of songs.  He slept so well even though X wakes repeatedly to feed.  I wanted to take a picture of him first thing in the morning and he gamely obliged.  What a departure from his (sometimes) grumpy morning mood ;P

G also liked that we didn't have the hassle of transferring flights etc so it looks like we will be having more staycations for a while...

Our family photo!
A tender moment
Cheerful X
Gleeful J
Mao Hua Lian :D
Me and my boys!
J spends much of his time at the window, fascinated by the boats, cars etc
Fabulous view from The CLUB

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Conversations with J (7)

P: 婆婆住哪里?
J: 住这里
P: 为什么住这里?
J: 看 Boy Boy!

Upon seeing the cane, he will
1) shout "DON'T WANT CANE!"
2) say "妈妈/爸爸, 不要打boy boy"
3) allow his palm and soles and/or bum to be hit

Me: (whispers) Who make Popo angry?
J: (whispers back) Who make Popo angry?
Me: (whispers again) Who make Popo angry?
J: (whispers back) Boy Boy!

On detecting that I'm angry with him,
J: 妈妈生气了
Me: Yes, mummy is angry
J: 妈妈不要生气
And then of cos I shall be slightly mollified.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Harmonious shots...

of the boys!  It is DIFFICULT to have them both looking at the camera at the same time.  And, J may try to hit X but these few shots are the ones where J's feeling tender towards X :P

Friday, July 20, 2012

Yummy in my Tummy

Tapas galore!

I forgot to take any pictures of the delicious bbq meat and dipping sauce :P

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A case of T2

Not Terminator 2 but maybe close since it feels as if terrible two has started before J turns 2 in Aug... I have been informed (or complaint) by his teachers that he beat/push his peers when the teachers are not looking.  While he is able to say that it is wrong to hit others, he hasn't been able to keep his promise :(

G says at least he's not bullied but it is not exactly an ideal situation either... hoping for things to become better as he outgrows this phase (fingers cross).