Saturday, December 12, 2009

I am a parent

I am a parent.
I have been given the gift of a child.
It is my opportunity to help this child find their path in the world.
I am a protector, provider, teacher, mentor,encourager, esteem-builder, supporter, storyteller, confident, coach, playmate, friend, finder of lost treasures, trailblazer, and dream weaver.
I give the gifts of love, understanding, laughter, patience, guidance, self-responsibility, and encouragement.
I receive the gifts of love, admiration, trust, respect, laughter, understanding, playfulness, and youth.
I am a warrior fighting daily fear, ignorance, prejudice, apathy, hate and low self-esteem.
I have a past rich with memories: the first word, the first laugh, the first smile, the first accomplishment.
I have a rewarding future filled with hope, love, expectation, adventure, and fun.
I touch and mould the future.
I am a parent.

- From the book Humor by the Dozen