Monday, November 28, 2011

Joy (J's) and Bane (mine)

We bought a tricycle for J. While he looks overjoyed riding it, he actually preferred a Winnie-the-Pooh version of it in the shop and refused to get up :( Then the one with Disney characters was snapped up by another customer during J's tantrum. In the end we had to order one but it was not in good condition when I picked it up :( How challenging can it be to buy a tricycle??? Eventually, one was delivered to us and J is a happy customer.

The bane for me is that each morning he requests to go on a ride. Since he's an early bird, we are out around 7 am! I feel like he's my personal trainer in charge of my morning exercise routine... a reward on the 3rd day of this new regime is that we saw a rainbow!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Family Portrait

Actually, this was taken with Didi too - but we didn't know it then!

When I grow up 2

I still have modelling aspirations :D

P.S. I should have posted these photos ages ago but I keep forgetting...

Zoo Hoo!

A rare shot of me and G - I love the various colourful elephants on display! They are the highlight of this visit :P

J's happiness moment came at the end of the Animal Friends Show when the bubbles were released :) Thankfully he did not fuss when we didn't visit the wet pool today since he just recovered.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

J had a bout of illness following his 15th month MMR jab. Most depressing time since he was so clingy to me and I had to carry him excessively despite having to grow another baby :(

Thank goodness he was on the mend over the last 2 days and we managed to be out and about to celebrate our 5th ROM anniversary. We went for the 20th World Orchid Conference at MBS followed by the Flower Dome at Gardens by the Bay on separate days :)

Here's some shots of J and us:

Yuckie boogie!

My bump is showing

J's still looking at the Flyer

J's still not looking at camera...

Afternoon Tea at The Landing Point

and selected shots of the flowers on display:

I love to mimic

J having a twirl with the magic sweep away
(taken from my mummy while she's trying to clean the floor)

J pushing his own stroller...
See mummy, I am strong like daddy!

J reading The Edge with G...
hm... maybe's he going to turn out to be very intellectual?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New baby

Introducing Didi (yes, another boy!) - he's the reason for my tiredness (besides work and caring for J). Needless to say, there's morning sickness too but I am slowing getting over the worst bout now that I'm into 14-15 weeks! I hope to update this blog more often now :)

I have been telling J about his didi and he is actually able to say didi very accurately but he is referring to my belly button all the time! haha! :P

It has been so long since my last post... J has grown older but not much bigger. I think his physical growth has tapered (sort of) but he is making much progress in other areas.

J has rather keen linguistic ability and is learning new words very quickly. The funny part is that he may not pronounce the words precisely but he does it with lots of effort and I love how he's trying his best to learn :)
So bus comes out as bah, popo comes out as paw etc.

J's spatial ability has also improved. While he used to depend on us to help him with a sorting game (with shapes), he is now able to sort circle, triangle, square, diamond etc all by himself! Andat the end of it all, he applauds his good work and looks to us for encouragement too :)

His psychomotor skills have also become more steady. J is starting to appreciate the doodle board and I think he can be quite artistic at times :)He also seems to be running at times (even though he still tumble and fall). I think he favourite run of each day is when G returns home and he sprints towards the door shouting 'papa! papa! papa! :)

But, there are some things that never change... like his temperament. For instance, he expects to be comforted immediately/for his basic needs to be met and will clamour for attention until his demands are met. My most heartbreaking moment came on his 13th month (4 Oct) when he cut his head against the coffee table. He was scared to see the bloody tissues and was inconsolable at the A&E. There is now a small scar on his head and he points to it when you ask him 'pain pain where?' Otherwise, he is still a happy boy and I hope he stays this way!