Monday, June 21, 2010

World Cup thrashing!!

What a disappointing match for North Korea! and me... cos I was betting on them to draw with Portugal...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ribbon bulletin board

Was browsing through Martha Stewart's craft site and was inspired to create the ribbon bulletin board. It was simple but I had fun shopping for ribbons at spotlight, diaso, kino and paper market =)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

31 weeks and counting...

The baby has engaged already and he seems to be growing well at yesterday's scan. He weighed in at 2 kg! and is the size of a 33 week old...


Dear baby,

We have been busy getting ready for your arrival. Besides getting a cot, car seat, diapers etc, we have also decided to bank your cord blood in the hope that you will not need to use it in future. From the ante-natal class, we have learnt about different positions to carry you, how to breastfeed and bathe you. Hopefully, these will come in useful when we finally welcome you into this world.

Do you know that you have been kicking very frequently and forcefully these days? Mummy has developed the habit of patting you on my tummy from time to time and you tend to respond by kicking the spot. I don't know if you meant to communicate with me but it gives me a kick! haha! Daddy tries to feel you kick but you don't respond as much to him... we read that babies tend to prefer mother's touch but always remember that we both love you very much.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010