Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In the mood for...



laughing heartily (after grabbing my hair!!)

cozying up to papa

a maiden swing!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Conversations with J (8)

Upon seeing my parents leaving, J asked "阿公的Bag在哪里?" Well, he is very inquisitive these days and he picked up on this since my mummy always carry a bag with her.

As I whistled to help him start peeing, J asked "Where is the bird?" Hilarious right?  =P

When trying to put him to sleep, I started asking him "who is his best friend?"
J replied "Mummy!"

AW!  This has got to be one of the best moments I have as a mother! =D
This will probably change but I am very happy to be his best friend now!!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Putting oneself in someone else's shoes...

J has taken this literally... he's in popo's shoes...

... and G's shoes ;P

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mid-Autumn Festival

This is my favorite festival and I am happy to say that I enjoyed tthis year's particularly since:
  • J is able to have fun carrying a lantern.  I hate the loud music generated but he loved it! He's still playing with the lantern from time to time now just to blast the music :)
  • We have X too and he is very fascinated by the ongoing activities... well, he'll be able to enjoy himself more next year :P
  • It is the first time we celebrated with my brother's family and my older neice and J kept running about. Good way to expend their energy! 

First Food!

X is going to turn 6 month soon!! I am really looking forward to when he starts to eat more solids.  He is having a first taste of teething biscuits and he LOVED it!  See how he's holding it with both hands so tightly?
And staring as if daring me to take it away? haha! :)

Sunday, September 23, 2012

On supplements...

If you intend to buy supplements from iherb, use this code <GSQ618> for more discounts.  I started giving J sambulcol and mulit-vitamin so this helps to save $$$!

Simply enter this code in the shopping cart (right before check-out,) you will receive the discount below on their first order!

- If the order totals more than $40, they will receive $10 off!
- If the order totals less than $40, they will save $5!


Play was a hot topic recently and J has been developing in a related aspect of imaginary play.  And it is very interesting and fun since I wouldn't be able to anticipate his antics all the time :D

So here are a few of his imaginary play routines now:

1. Aeroplane
He saw smoke in a car on TV once and he claimed his aeroplane is on smoke too and he would need to repair it.
He would also claim that his petrol tank is empty and refuel his plane.
J also copied our real-life actions and pretended to buy coupons for his plane. haha!
He also 'travelled' overseas as well as go to his favourite music class.

2. 'Ta Bao'

J loves to bring along a bag/basket etc and pretends to go buy food.
He also pretends to buy kopi, teh, milo, horlicks etc.  
This is a very good way to make him run back and forth and engage him while I need to do something else.  Haha!

3. Cooking

He loves to cook and would often go into the kitchen while my mummy cooks and say 'smells good'.  So, he also would take his fork and spoon and pretend to cook vegetables, egg etc.
J also makes juice and mimics the sound of the juicer and its typically orange juice that he delivers. hee.

4. Salon 

Yes, he would pretend to cut my hair.  And this is only for me and not G ;)
And then J would also colour my hair in GREEN!! 

J is really very fun to play with now but it is also very difficult to manage him since he is very prone to throwing tantrums.  I do take a very firm stance and it can be very trying.  A parallel description would be like playing the staring game while trying hard to not blink first! Let's just hope this is terrible 2s only!! 

On returning to work...

Before returning to work this week, I brought X out on my own.  We took a bus to Clementi. Not that adventurous but it was something that I could manage with ease.  He's started to look very happily whenever our front door is opened though he's disappointed whenever he remains at home after the door is shut!

This is how he likes to stretch and I LOVE his chubby face and thighs.  This is such a fun time for him and us and I look forward to when he starts solids :)

 As you can see, he's wanting to EAT! :)

The best thing about going back to work is that I have a life again! The impact on X seems minimal so far since he's used to my mummy looking after him.  The bonus is that he's settled into a routine in terms of feeding times. It also helps that I can work flexi-time and continue to spend time with X and J while they are awake and work again at night when they sleep.  I just need to be disciplined and productive and HOPE this arrangement can work out in the longer-term and that J gets used to going to childcare full day!

Monday, September 10, 2012


I have not been diligent in updating so I am trying to condense what's happened into a couple of posts today...

At Labrador Park 

At University Town

At Kite Festival

X can...

SIT! Well, with some support and he's loving it!

He has also discovered his toes! :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Old kiddo

Am on my niece's rocking horse!!! Neigh!!!!  :P

Friday, August 10, 2012

X can...

...thought I should have a post on X can too... since he's actually rather developed for his age ;)

As you can see below, he can grasp with both his hands and legs!  He can flip over and he always bring his hands and toys into his mouth!!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

J can...

  • count to 10 (in both languages, sometimes up to 15)
  • sing English songs such as itsy bitsy spider, ABC, row row row your boat, london bridge is falling down
  • recite nursery rhymes such as humpty dumpty, hey diddle diddle, jack and jill, baa baa black sheep
  • sing a ton of 儿歌 like 世上只有妈妈好 (a big fav of mine! :D), 泥娃娃, 懒惰虫
  • recite/sing in cantonese/hokkien (haha!!)
  • be very funny - we were in a crowded lift that was stopping at every floor and each time, he would keep saying 'excuse me excuse me' LOUDLY.  He made everyone laughed which is a good thing in the end?! :P


J loves girls!!! He got the chance to hold hands with 2 pretty girls today at Bishan Park! Never to young to start dating... even when he's only 2!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

J is 2!

And the best part (to him) is he gets a birthday cake :)

But, when he's asked for his age, he likes to say 3 (years old)!!!

J's really 2 though silly me aligned the candles too much... 
Loving his cake!
Thanks for the presents and a very lovely hand-made card by J's cousin!
I made him wait till his actual birthday on 4th August to open them, and he's squealing with delight :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I had wanted to go on a holiday during this maternity leave but nursing prevented me from doing so!  In the end, we had a staycation to celebrate J and my birthday :)

It was tiring for us but extremely fun for J.  He was really happy throughout the trip and he didn't need any of his toys that I packed! J even entertained himself and us by singing lots of songs.  He slept so well even though X wakes repeatedly to feed.  I wanted to take a picture of him first thing in the morning and he gamely obliged.  What a departure from his (sometimes) grumpy morning mood ;P

G also liked that we didn't have the hassle of transferring flights etc so it looks like we will be having more staycations for a while...

Our family photo!
A tender moment
Cheerful X
Gleeful J
Mao Hua Lian :D
Me and my boys!
J spends much of his time at the window, fascinated by the boats, cars etc
Fabulous view from The CLUB

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Conversations with J (7)

P: 婆婆住哪里?
J: 住这里
P: 为什么住这里?
J: 看 Boy Boy!

Upon seeing the cane, he will
1) shout "DON'T WANT CANE!"
2) say "妈妈/爸爸, 不要打boy boy"
3) allow his palm and soles and/or bum to be hit

Me: (whispers) Who make Popo angry?
J: (whispers back) Who make Popo angry?
Me: (whispers again) Who make Popo angry?
J: (whispers back) Boy Boy!

On detecting that I'm angry with him,
J: 妈妈生气了
Me: Yes, mummy is angry
J: 妈妈不要生气
And then of cos I shall be slightly mollified.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Harmonious shots...

of the boys!  It is DIFFICULT to have them both looking at the camera at the same time.  And, J may try to hit X but these few shots are the ones where J's feeling tender towards X :P

Friday, July 20, 2012

Yummy in my Tummy

Tapas galore!

I forgot to take any pictures of the delicious bbq meat and dipping sauce :P

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A case of T2

Not Terminator 2 but maybe close since it feels as if terrible two has started before J turns 2 in Aug... I have been informed (or complaint) by his teachers that he beat/push his peers when the teachers are not looking.  While he is able to say that it is wrong to hit others, he hasn't been able to keep his promise :(

G says at least he's not bullied but it is not exactly an ideal situation either... hoping for things to become better as he outgrows this phase (fingers cross).

Friday, June 29, 2012

Positive Psychology

While J's in school, his teacher heard him mutter to himself, "妈咪等一下就来带我了"

After calling out (uncle, uncle, uncle) to our neighbour who didn't acknowledge (what a bummer), J consoled himself by saying "Uncle 没有听到"
Actually, this makes me rather furious since it doesn't take a lot of effort to acknowledge J. I'm glad his wife is more friendly towards J.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Unconditional love

Unconditional love is...

  • cleaning shitload off bottoms and putting on clean diapers (even in wee hours when my eyes are bleary)... and then X poops again!
  • pacifying crying toddler, in the middle of the night (why??!) when he calls for mummy
  • playing the same games (kids love boring stuff) over and over again until I am ready to tear my hair out
  • singing the same songs and doing silly actions for J to laugh/giggle and to say 'one more time'.  This golden phrase means he really loves the song.
  • holding off your own needs to pee/poo/shower/eat etc so that the kids can pee/poo/shower etc FIRST
  • strolling/pushing J in his stroller to look for pussy cats in the morning/afternoon/evening and sometimes in the middle of the night (G is the one who spoils market this way)
  • to say NO when kids are misbehaving (I have no problem with this) 
  • also about forcing down meds into J despite his protests/screams/cries  :(
  • really just about being there for the kids (simple to say but not easy to do)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sweet X

Must say that X seems to be rather cheerful and it makes my day when he flashes his smile. He may do that after a feed or when he's just happy!

Brotherly love

Some little acts of brotherly love from J:
  • Upon returning home, asks 'where's didi?'
  • Plays music for X on his rocker, helps to switch off rocker vibration
  • When I rub J's tummy, he points to X's and says 'didi also'
Nonetheless, there's still some jealously that's apparent in J when he says mummy don't carry didi or when he yells outside my room cos he knows I am breastfeeding X inside... hopefully these will come to pass eventually :)

Conversations with J(6)

P: 老baby
J:  老婆婆!

G: Cheeky boy boy
J: Cheeky papa *grins*

When playing with cars,
Me: What colour is the lights?
J: Green man
Me: So the cars have to ...
Me: so that people can ...
J: cross the road!
Me: When boy boy is in the car, you have to ...
After a while,
J: cars can go now!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Conversations with J(5)

J holding his toy phone and pretends to call his 阿公,
J: 阿公没有听电话
P: 阿公在睡觉
J: Popo, message 阿公

*Stunned* He must have picked up the messaging bit from our daily speech.  Kids are simply amazing!

On another occasion,
Me: Popo is going home.
J: Popo 搭地铁回

J's speaking more so in sentences nowadays but there are still times when we can't understand him and it frustrates him!!! 

Astroboy at Science Centre!

As I promised myself to spend some time with J alone after his little bro's arrival, we went to the science centre.  J seems to be most fascinated with the array of exhibits though I am really not too sure how much he comprehended but it was a great outing! :)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bringing Up Boys (book by Dr James Dobson)

A friend gave me this book last Xmas and unlike novels, I can't seem to finish it at a go/quickly as there are so many important messages within it.  If you have boys, this book is definitely worth a read!

I have been been highlighting and tagging noteworthy parts of this book for future reference.  At times, it almost feels as though I am working on a research piece for work... However, I do feel that Dr James has described parenting to be a tall order and has valid suggestions on how to go about it. Anyway, since G only reads financial reports and not books, I have tried to quote/highlight some of the parts here to share (emphasis are determined by me):
  • Our objective as moms and dads is to transform our sons from immature, flighty youngsters into honest, caring men who will be respectful of women, loyal and faithful in marriage, keepers of commitments, strong and decisive leaders, good workers, and men who are secure in their masculinity.
  • (on 'identification' and 'modelling')   Boys watch their dads intently, noting every minor detail of behaviour and values.  Your sons will imitate much of what you do.  If you blow up regularly and insult your wife, you boys will treat their mother and other females disrespectfully,  If you drink to excess, your kids will be at risk for chemical substance abuse... Fortunately, the converse in also true.  If you are honest, trustworthy, caring, loving and self-disciplined, your boys will be influenced by those traits as they age.
  • Your task as a mother, in conjunction with your husband, is to build a man out of raw materials available in this delightful little boy.  Never assume for a moment that you can "do your own thing" without serious consequences for him... this task must be your highest priority for a period of time... before you know it, that child at your feet will become a young man who will pack his bags and take his first halting steps into the adult world.
  • (sharing of research findings by a longitudinal on Adolescent Health)  The presence of parents is very beneficial at 4 times of the day - early morning, after school, dinner time, and bedtime. When that regular contact is combined with other shared activities between parents and kids, the most positive outcome is achieved - adolescents who felt a sense of connection with their parents (feelings of warmth, love and caring) were least likely to engage in harmful behaviour. 
  • (on bonding)  Building relationships with children does not require large amounts of money.  A lifelong bond often emerges from traditions that give meaning to family time together.  Children love daily routines and activities of the simplest kind.  They want to hear the same story or the same joke until Mom and Dad are ready to climb the wall.  And yet, these interactions are sometimes more appreciated by kids than are expensive toys or special events
  • (on grandparents' role)  We smile benignly and think it's cute when we spoil our grandchildren.  It is a big mistake.  My job as a grandfather is to set an example for both the parents and the grandchildren by being a loving leader...  I back-off whenever the parents are around, however, because I don't want to undermine their authority.
  • (on discipline) Parents need to listen to the "music' of their children, especially during times of confrontation and correction.  It takes a great deal of patience and sensitivity to discern how the child is responding.  If you listen carefully, your boys will tell you what they're thinking and feeling... Boys need structure, they need supervision, and they need to be civilised.  When raised in a laissez-faire environment that is devoid of leadership, they often begin to challenge social conventions and common sense. 
  • (on work) The word discipline connotes not only the shaping of a child's behaviour and attitudes but also giving him a measure of self-control and the ability to postpone graitification. Teaching a child to work is one of the primary mechanisms by which this self-discipline is acquired... Work gives significance and meaning to our existence.  Those who are good at what they do usually feel good about who they are... Parents can teach their children about work when they are very young, such as by picking up their books or bringing the dinner plates to the kitchen.  The amount of work required should be reasonable and age-appropriate, remembering that the primary activity of young children is play. 
  • (on boys in school and how the learning environment is inherently disadvantaging them)  If you have one of those flighty kids, it is important to understand that they are not intrinsically inferior to their hardworking siblings... besides, the low achiever sometimes outperforms the young superstar in the long run.  That's what happened to Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Eleanor Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and many other successful people.  So don't write off that disorganised and apparently lazy kid as a life-long loser.  Getting mad at this youngster will not solve the problem...  You should, on the other hand, stay as close as possible to this child's school.  Your playboy isn't going to tell you what's going on in the classroom so you will need to find out for yourself... Finally, having done what you can to help, accept the best he can give.  Go with the flow and begin searching for other areas of success.

X's new look

I miss his hair lovely hair but they will be made into a tai mao bi as a momento. I'm not sure if it will ever be used but I hope so :)